Care Call: A new service to help older people living at home
What is a Care Call?
A Care Call service is a scheduled phone call from an aged care provider offering support and assistance for older people living at home so they can continue living safely and securely in their own home.
Care Call solutions are like a warm and comforting call from a friend. They may be to remind a loved one to take medicine, attend an activity or appointment, ensure meals have been eaten, or to make sure the back door is locked.
How can a Care Call help older Australian living at home?
The calls offer much more than helpful reminders for things that are easy to forget, they’re also a well-being check, with friendly conversation and time for a daily catch-up and chat.
Care calls can also play an important role in helping to reduce feelings of loneliness for older people living alone. This may be through knowing that a caring person is just a phone call away, to provide reassurance and help with daily activities.
The service is affordable and offers peace of mind, not only for older people, but for their family members or carers. If something is amiss, the caller can act quickly to help and take action.
Jan’s Care Call experience
Jan is in her eighties and still lives in her own home in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Jan receives regular, in-person, care and support through her Home Care Package and also receives scheduled Care Calls twice a day, five days a week. Jan says that this Care Call service has truly made a difference to her life and she finds the calls comforting and enjoys chatting about her day too.
Jan, and her daughter, know that she’s going to receive a call each morning and night to remind Jan to take her medication with breakfast, remind her about any appointments and check that she’s had dinner and locked the doors at night. Jan’s daughter is often away interstate for work, so knowing that someone’s checking on her mum provides peace of mind and reassurance.
How much does the Care Call service cost?
A Care Call service can cost as little as a cup of coffee per week and can be tailored to suit individual needs. Whether it’s a short-term solution when a loved one is on holidays and isn’t able check-in as they usually do, or a busy lifestyle that makes it difficult to check-in with a loved one at the times reminders are needed, support can be just a care call away.
Find out more about the Care Call service here.