COVID-19 vaccine available at Easton Park on 14 and 15 July

6 July 2021

Dear team member,

As you would now be aware, the COVID-19 vaccine has been mandated for all residential aged care employees. To help facilitate Whiddon employees to receive their COVID-19 vaccine, we are pleased to announce that there will be a clinic held onsite at Whiddon Easton Park, on Wednesday 14 July and Thursday 15 July in the Function Centre at Whiddon Easton Park.. This clinic is also open for Support Services and Community Care employees.

How do I book in to get my vaccine through this clinic?
Employees can book in to receive their vaccine by phoning 0476 811 414 (these phone lines will be staffed from 8.30 am to 4.30pm weekdays). Alternatively, you can email

What vaccine is available?
Employees will be offered the Pfizer vaccine regardless of their age. Employees are required to complete a consent prior to the vaccination. Click here to access this form. 

We strongly encourage you to have your vaccine through this clinic. The vaccine is one of our best lines of defence against COVID-19 and the current situation in Sydney is a timely reminder that COVID-19 outbreaks can happen anywhere, anytime, including in aged care settings.