Important Information: NSW COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

The decision to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of working in residential aged care was a National Cabinet decision made on the 28 June 2021.

There have been numerous communications to employees in relation to the requirement which states that from 17 September 2021 all Residential Aged Care employees require at least the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in order to come to work.  The requirement comes into effect from 9am on 17 September 2021. This means, from this date if you do not have at least one dose of the vaccine you are unable to come to work.

It is important to understand this is a Government directive and therefore a requirement of employment in Residential Aged Care. Having said that, Whiddon is supportive of the COVID-19 Vaccine as a first line of defence in protection against the virus.

NSW Health have advised that there are limited exemptions to the vaccine requirement. Those unable to receive the vaccination due to a medical contraindication must present a COVID-19 Vaccine Medication Contraindication form signed by their medical practitioner. This form is available here: Contraindication Form

With 20 days to go before this requirement comes into effect it is important that you provide evidence of your vaccination or of your medical contraindication as soon as possible. Evidence should be sent to prior to the 16 September 21.