Message for Whiddon Narrabri – Robert Young families

8 January 2022

Further to our update that was sent out this week, we are pleased to advise that the two residents who had tested positive, have now had medical clearance and are no longer being treated as ‘positive’ cases. In addition, two employees who had also tested positive have also been medically cleared and will be returning to work. We have a total of 6 staff still positive to COVID-19 and are doing well.

Our third round of PCR swabs will be taken tomorrow, and we hope to provide an update as soon as we receive these results.

We continue to work closely with the local Public Health Unit and continue to follow their advice while also implementing our COVID-19 response plan and Outbreak Management Plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. Our employees also continue to be diligent with their PPE and follow our protocils.

Thank you for your support as we continue to work through this challenging time.