New check-in requirement when you come to work (NSW residential aged care homes)

From today, NSW Health requires all residential aged care homes in NSW to ensure that all employees, visitors and contractors check-in every time they visit using the Service NSW QR Code.

This means that you are now required to sign-in twice when you come in to work.

Please check-in through:

  • The Service NSW app
  • Whiddon’s Visitor Sign-in system

It is important that you continue to check-in to Whiddon’s visitor sign-in system as this is a way that we can meet the Government’s COVID-19 screening requirements for employees, visitors and contractors entering our homes. This helps us with contact tracing and ensures that the required screening questions are answered by any person entering our care homes. This helps to keep everyone in our family safe.

We thank you for your understanding as we implement this important new measure.