Update to Whiddon Belmont families

23 May 2022

Please be advised that we have had a resident at Whiddon Belmont test positive to COVID-19. We have activated our COVID-19 management plan and are working with the local Public Health Unit to ensure all necessary precautions are in place.

For now, we have limited visitation to allow one visitor per resident at this time (for compassionate or essential visits only). These visits must be pre-booked.

All visitors are required to undertake rapid antigen testing as a condition of entry to Whiddon Belmont and will be asked to wear an N95 mask, gown  and face shield, which will be provided upon entry to the home.

We ask all visitors to monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms and remind visitors to please refrain from visiting if they are unwell.

Our teams can support you to stay connected via video and phone calls where possible. We also have the Whiddon Connect app that you can download and book a video call in with our team.

We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. As always, please speak to one of our employees if you have any questions about any of the above.