Update to Whiddon Grafton families

10 January 2022

Further to our update last week informing you that two employees at Whiddon Grafton had tested positive to COVID-19, we are pleased to advise you that no further employees have tested positive to COVID-19 at this stage. Currently, no residents at Whiddon Grafton have tested positive to COVID-19.

As a precaution, and on the advice of the local public health unit, we are continuing to restrict visitation for now. Only visits for essential caring or on compassionate grounds will be permitted, and residents are strongly encouraged to not leave the care home for now, again as a precaution. Our employees are completing a rapid antigen test before commencing their shift and our robust COVID-19 management plan means that we have strict protocols in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes.

We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. We will provide a further update to you soon.