Update to Whiddon Hornsby families

4 April 2022

Further to our last update, an additional resident has tested positive to COVID-19. As a precaution, we have activated our COVID-19 outbreak management plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. Our robust COVID-19 management plan means that we have strict protocols in place to avoid potential spread of the virus across our care homes.

We are working closely with the local Public Health Unit (PHU) and they have advised that residents in the immediate vicinity of the positive person are isolated to their room for the moment. All other residents are required to stay in the immediate areas adjacent to their room. They are still able to access the facilities in that area, such as the lounge areas.

All residents, despite their location may have one visitor. That is, each resident may nominate one consistent visitor that may continue to visit for the duration of the lock down.

If you are visiting a red zone (where this an affected resident),  you will be required to wear full PPE when you visit.  For all other areas you will be required to wear a N95 mask and eye protection such as face shield.

Residents are also strongly encouraged not to leave the care home at this time, as a precaution.

We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, but we want you to know that it is our highest priority to keep everyone in our family safe and well, and we are doing everything we can to achieve this.

We thank you for your understanding and support.