Update to Whiddon Largs families

20 May 2022

We wanted to provide you with an update on Whiddon Largs. Firstly, we would like to thank our families for your understanding and patience at this time.

We have been working closely with the local Public Health Unit and following their advice and directives in response to the COVID-19 outbreak at Whiddon Largs.

At their advice, we are continuing regular COVID-19 testing of residents, including today, and next Monday and Thursday. If your loved one tests positive to COVID-19, please be assured that you will be contacted directly by the Registered Nurse on duty. We have also conducted testing of Whiddon Largs employees.

As mentioned previously, as per the advice of the local Public Health Unit, residents are isolating in their rooms for now.

We are inviting families to nominate one representative as a partner-in-care to visit their loved one at this time. This is an important way that residents can stay connected to their family. You can book these visits between 8am and 3.30pm on weekdays. Partners-in care will need to wear full PPE and complete a rapid antigen test as a condition of entry, and be escorted to the resident’s balcony for the visit.

Please be advised that Australian Defence Force personnel will be attending Whiddon Largs from Monday 23 May to provide support to our team. They recently supported our Easton Park care homes and we are appreciative of this extra support. There will also be additional staffing support from the Public Health Unit.

Once again, we thank you for your support and understanding. We will provide a further update to you early next week.