Update to Whiddon Largs families

30 May 2022

We wanted to provided you with an update on our Whiddon Largs care home. We continue to work closely with the local Public Health Unit and are pleased to advise you that from today, residents in the Acacia and Melaleuca wings are no longer required to isolate. This is welcome news and we are carefully managing this de-isolation to ensure the safety of residents.

The local Public Health Unit have requested additional precautionary testing of residents in the Casuarina and Jacaranda wings, which has been conducted today. Please be assured that if your loved one tested positive to COVID-19, you would be contacted directly by the Registered Nurse on duty.

From tomorrow, visitation to the Acacia and Melaleuca wings may return to pre-outbreak arrangement (two fully vaccinated visitors aged 12 years and over, plus two children under 12 years per day). For now, visitation to the Casuarina and Jacaranda wings is limited to one nominated partner-in-care. All visits must be pre-booked. All visitors are required to complete a rapid antigen test as a condition of entry and wear an N95 mask. Partners-in-care may be asked to wear additional PPE at this time such as a face shield. Please refrain from visiting if you are unwell.

On behalf of the team at Whiddon Largs, we sincerely thank you for your cooperation and support over this challenging time.