Update to Whiddon Moree Families – The week that was

An update from Martha, Director Care Services – Whiddon Moree 

Hello everyone,

We’ve had a lot going on this week and I wanted to take the opportunity to share what’s been going on at our home.

In regards to the recent respiratory outbreak, we do not yet have a classification of the strain, however we have had no new cases today and are continuing to work with the Public Health Unit.

While we cannot stop families and visitors from coming in at the moment, we would like to try and limit activity within our home as much as possible for now. The Public Health Unit have advised that there are numerous respiratory strains within the wider community of Moree, and we want to ensure our residents and employees are kept as safe as possible.

All residents are in good spirits.

In addition, here is a summary of other exciting events that have been happening in our home:

  1. We celebrated two resident birthdays.
  2. We have welcomed 2 new physiotherapists, Schweta and Dax, who will be with us 4 days a week.  This will enable us to increase our physiotherapy services to our residents which we are very excited about!
  3. We have held church services, skittles, bowls, music sessions and art therapy classes to keep our residents engaged and participating in the things they love.
  4. A reminder that we will be holding a family meeting on the 19th of May at 5.30pm.  Please RSVP by 17th May by calling 02 6752 9200 if you would like to attend.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend and I encourage you to please do reach out to me if you have any concerns.

Martha Rowe
Director Care Services