Update to Whiddon Moree families

24 March 2021

Following on from our update on Sunday, please note that that are still a small number of residents who are experiencing flu-like symptoms at Whiddon Moree. Loved ones of residents affected have already been contacted.

As a precaution to help limit potential spread of infection among residents and in the community, we continue to ask that you do not visit Whiddon Moree for now. If you do need to visit under exceptional circumstances, such as an end of life visit, please speak with the Director Care Services.

As mentioned in Sunday’s update, we have no reason to believe this is a COVID-19 outbreak and the COVID-19 tests undertaken have come back negative to date.

Please also note that we have had a number of team members who have been unable to attend the care home due to unfortunate impacts of the rain event we have been experiencing. We want to reassure you that we have management strategies in place for such events and that your loved one will continue to receive the care they need.

Our phones have currently been diverted to our wonderful home in Wee Waa, who are providing administration assistance at this time. Urgent enquiries will be directed to us here in Moree, but we ask for your assistance by limiting phone calls as much as possible as a result of the situation.

Our residents are in good spirits, comfortable and enjoying seeing beautiful weather return today.

We will provide a further update soon and we thank you for your understanding