Update to Whiddon Wingham families

12 January 2022

Following our last update to you on Friday 7 January, pleasingly, no further employees at Whiddon Wingham have tested positive to COVID-19. Currently, we have not had any residents tests positive to the virus.

As mentioned in our last update, we have activated our COVID-19 response plan to ensure all necessary precautionary measures are implemented. While potential exposure to residents is not considered high risk, we are restricting visitation to compassionate visits only for now, such as end of life. Residents are currently staying in their rooms as a precaution at this time and we are strongly encouraging residents not to leave the care home for now.

We continue to work closely with the local Public Health Unit and follow their advice. We hope to be able to welcome visitors back soon. At this stage, we will likely be reviewing this next Monday and will provide a further update then.

We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.