Message for Whiddon Employees

Life sometimes presents us with challenging circumstances that make us feel overwhelmed, unsure or unsettled. People in your world won’t always tell you if something’s troubling them so it’s important you consider what’s going on in their lives and any changes you notice.

  • Are they experiencing relationship breakdowns?
  • Are they experiencing increased levels of stress or constant stress?
  • Are there any financial difficulties?
  • Have there been major changes at work, home or in life?
  • Have they experienced the loss of someone or something they care about?
  • Do they have a major health concern?

These are all tough circumstances for anyone to manage on their own which is why on R U OK? Day we remind everyone that every day is the day to think about who you might need to check in with to ask, “are you ok?” so those you care about know you are there for them if they need to chat.

We all have a role to play in building a community where people feel supported and connected and to help encourage everyone to look out for each other and lend support through all of life’s ups and downs, big or small. When that happens, it is comforting to know there is always someone we can talk to who can share the load and help us though.

In support of R U OK? Day we are providing you access to a popular webinar “Building Resilience” which will be conducted on Thursday September 8 at 11am. Click register for the webinar

You don’t need a qualification to have an R U OK? Conversation. Listening and giving someone your time might be just what they need to help them through. There are 4 steps of the R U OK? Conversation.

Click HERE to learn more about how to start and have the R U OK? Conversation or visit

Don’t forget to you can also contact our Employee Assistance Program AccessEAP on 1800 818 728 for 24/7 advice and extra support for you and your immediate family members.

Let’s continue to be part of the conversation movement. Let’s stay connected and make using “are you OK?” part of our everyday because a conversation could change a life?

Make every day R U OK? Day….