
Safe Work at Whiddon

Dear Employees,

We would like to update you on a recent Safe Work Survey, conducted by the NSW Nurses & Midwives Association, with some of our Whiddon Employees.

While the survey has highlighted some potential health and wellbeing hazards, it is important to know that Whiddon already has several initiatives underway to strengthen our Safe Work approach. To support these initiatives, we will shortly ask you to complete our own WHS & Wellbeing Survey.

To those who did complete the Survey with the Union, thank you.
We have received the results and are working with the Union to address the survey findings. It is important that you also take the time to complete Whiddon’s survey, which will be accessible for all employees to complete, and will help us gain even further insights for improving our workplace and culture.

Whiddon’s Safe Work Initiatives:
Whiddon commenced a project over 12 months ago called “Design for Care”, through which we have been actively working on intervention measures to improve employee safety and wellbeing.

This project involved surveying all our employees on SMART work practices. Trials are already underway in a number of our Homes and Community Care Services to improve workplace design and develop wellbeing strategies.

We have already seen positive changes at these Homes and Services, such as new-starter buddy programs, induction improvements, peer learning, changes in rostering practices, scheduling reviews, and knowledge sharing at team meetings.

Whiddon is also excited to announce that we are partnering with a specialist organisation to help us support your everyday wellbeing, at work and at home.  This is a positive addition to our existing safe system of work.

What is a safe system of work?
Safe systems of work take into account a complete view of work practices, identifying all potential risks, and then taking reasonable steps to minimise or eliminate these risks.

These risks are managed through various aspects of Whiddon’s Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS), otherwise known as, “Well@Whiddon”. These include work practices such as incident and hazard reporting, Safe Operating Procedures, Risk Assessments, Roster reviews, consultation, training and supervision.

Whiddon’s WHS & Wellbeing Survey
A link to Whiddon’s WHS & Wellbeing survey will be sent to you in the coming days via SMS.

This confidential survey will further assist us to identify any enhancements that could be made to our safe system of work.

We thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will provide us with further insight into the continual development of our Well@Whiddon program.