
Update for Whiddon Maclean

Dear Families and Staff,

Please be advised that we are currently experiencing a COVID-19 Outbreak with a number of residents and staff testing positive at Whiddon Maclean.

Please note that residnets on Levels 2, 3 & 4 may only have 1 nomintaed for the duration of the exposure period, however we eoncourage all residnets to go out with families especially for Christmas.

Please note:
• Visits must take place in the resident’s room or outside, in well- ventilated areas.
• Face shields and masks are to be worn for the duration of the visit.
• Visitors must sign-in, complete a negative RAT test and wear the correct PPE for the duration of the visit.

The team continue to work with the Public Health Unit and we will keep everyone updated as changes occur.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Further updates will be provided in due course.

The Whiddon Team