Update for Whiddon Narrabri Jessie Hunt Families

23 August 2022

We regret to advise that there have been further positive COVID cases confirmed at Whiddon Narrabri Jessie Hunt.

As of today, Tuesday, 23 August: there are 19 positive resident cases, and 5 positive staff cases. All families involved have been notified accordingly.

The safety of our residents and staff remain our utmost priority. Whiddon Narrabri have been working closely with the local Public Health Unit, and have been successful in securing additional staff to support our team at Jessie Hunt. These staff members commenced working with us yesterday afternoon.

The Outbreak Management Plan will remain activated, which means that visitations are restricted to compassionate and essential visits only.

All visits must be pre-booked. Upon arrival, visitors will be required to complete a RAT test and wear PPE for the duration of their visit.

Further updates will be provided as the situation evolves. We thank you for your ongoing support and co-operation.


The Whiddon Team