Update to Whiddon Casino employees

11 February 2022

We are very pleased to confirm that we are now in the position to welcome back visitors to all areas of Whiddon Casino as of Monday, 14 February 2022. The COVID-19 outbreak is now considered over.

We thank you for your incredible efforts and dedication during the outbreak. It was great to see everyone working as a team to come together to support the wonderful people we care for, their families, and each other. Your commitment and efforts haven’t gone unnoticed and we are very appreciative of everything you have done. We know it has been a challenging time.

Please note that we will be asking visitors to wear an N95 mask and a face shield and complete a rapid antigen test when visiting. Visiting hours will be between 9am and 6pm daily. Visits after hours may be requested through our team and approved by the management team. Residents are permitted to have two fully vaccinated visitor aged 12 years and over, per day and visits must not take place in communal areas and must take place in residents’ rooms or a designated area. Bookings for visits are also required.

Please continue to wear appropriate PPE and complete a rapid antigen test when you arrive on shift. Social distancing must be observed at all times, including the staff room and nurses station. Please also monitor for symptoms and do not come to work if you are unwell.

As a reminder, we encourage you to have your Booster shot if eligible and send evidence of your vaccination to payroll@whiddon.com.au at your earliest convenience.

Thank you once again for your amazing efforts.