Update to Whiddon Casino families

10 August 2022 

We have been working closely with the local Public Health Unit (PHU) and can provide you all with an update on the COVID-19 outbreak at Whiddon Casino.

Residents from the first floor, Lindwall have now passed their 10-day isolation period and can move around within their area. At this stage, visitations are still restricted to one nominated-partner-in-care as we wait for the last round of PCR tests today and confirmation from the local PHU that the outbreak is declared over.

Unfortunately, there has been a small number of residents test positive on ground floor, Cedars and we have now activated our COVID-19 outbreak management plan. All families have been notified and the residents are experiencing mild cold like symptoms. For now, visitations are restricted to one nominated-partner-in-care, and residents who are testing negative may leave the home for medical appointments.

We thank you for your assistance and will provide a further update in the coming days.