
Important Update for Whiddon Narrabri (Jessie Hunt) Families & Friends 26 05 2023

Dear Whiddon Narrabri – Jessie Hunt Families and Friends,

Due to the incidence of CCVID-19 in the Narrabri and Greater Hunter Areas, we continue to wear the N95 masks and undertake daily RAT tests prior to entry into Jessie Hunt.

We request that friends and families of our residents defer their visits if they have any flu-like symptoms or have been in close contact with anyone who has COVID-19.

Due to the lockdown at Robert Young we have been careful to separate staff from the two homes and avoid cross-over of personnel.

Please continue to be vigilant re mask-wearing when visiting and checking yourselves for symptoms and seeking medical advice if unwell.

Kind regards,

The Whiddon Team