
Update for Whiddon Belmont Families

We write to advise that from Thursday morning, 15 September, our Moonyah Dementia Support Unit will be out of COVID Lockdown. However our four Hostel areas will remain in Lockdown until next week, as per advice from the Public Health Unit.

While bookings for visitations to Moonyah will open tomorrow, we strongly recommend that all families please consider delaying your visit until later next week, or when the whole facility has reopened. This is because entry to Moonyah requires coming in to the facility through the Hostel area where there are COVID positive cases. The health and safety of our residents, families and staff, are our priority. By limiting visits to Moonyah, we will be helping to mitigate the risks for our residents in this area. We ask for your support with this.

Residents in the four Hostel areas remain in isolation, with visitations restricted to compassionate and essential visits only.

All Hostel visits must be pre-booked; visitors will be asked to complete a RAT test upon arrival and wear PPE for the duration of their visit.

As always we are continuing to work closely with the local Public Health Unit, and our Outbreak Management Plan is activated across all Hostel areas at Whiddon Belmont.

For any queries, or if you have any concerns, please contact Jo Peterson, Director of Care, on 02 4041 9300.

We thank you for your ongoing support, and will provide further updates as the situation evolves.