Happy Residents at whiddon

Donate to make a difference

Support Whiddon to continue improving quality of life for older Australians through innovation, research and new approaches to care.

Give like it’s for someone you love

With a proud award-winning history, we rely on the generous support of our donors to continue innovating in the wellbeing space and improving quality of life for older Australians. There are many ways in which you can support our work and help enrich the lives of current and future generations.
No matter how small or large your gift is, your donation will truly make a difference and help us to fulfil our purpose of delivering care services that enhance wellbeing and quality of life for older Australians.

What our donations are used for:

An illustration of a paint palette, representing Whiddon's art therapy program.
Wellbeing and Creative Ageing Programs

Support our award-winning animal based programs and pet therapy, exercise and gym, music, choir and social food and cooking club programs.

Research icon.
Research and innovation

Help us work with universities and international partners to innovate, trial and research new ways of supporting wellbeing for older people with care needs.

Building icon representing Whiddon Residential Care
Equality of access to aged care services

Help ensure that older people with care needs living in remote or disadvantaged communities are able to stay in their communities.

General donation icon.

Your donation will go towards the area of greatest need. You can also specify what your donation goes towards.

    Please select service location you would like to give your donation to

    I would like to donate towards

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    • How will my donation be recognised?
    • How will my donation be used?
    • Bequests and leaving a gift in my will
    • How to leave a bequest?