Introducing our new Director of Care Services at Whiddon Moree
Date: 4 October 2020
We’re pleased to welcome Martha Rowe, who joined the Whiddon family last month. Martha has come on board as the new Director of Care Services at Whiddon Moree.
Martha has an extensive background in residential care across various homes in Australia, including Victoria, South Australia and NSW. With her experience, Martha is going to be a great asset to the team. We’re excited to see our residents, their friends and families and the wider Moree community get to know Martha better!
Martha graduated as a Speech Pathologist in Melbourne. She moved into roles at regional hospitals in Victoria that had aged care facilities attached to them, and most recently, held the role of CEO at her previous aged care facility.
“I’m extremely excited to be here and have the support from everyone. I have been overwhelmed by the staff connection to the residents and ensuring that they are always taken care of exceptionally well. I am particularly impressed with the number of young people we have on staff that are enthusiastic and always happy to make changes for the better,” Martha said.
“I’m looking forward to working with all teams at Whiddon. I love the streamlined processes and policies in place and the electronic abilities enabling management to do their job well. It’s positive to know that we will always be in a good position coming into accreditation and ensuring that the facility is run exceptionally well.”