Important Information on COVID-19 for families and visitors

Date: 19 April 2022
Current visitor arrangements
Whiddon NSW care homes
Please check the current visiting arrangements with the care home you wish to visit as they may be different from the below due to circulation of COVID-19 in the community.
Residents are permitted to have two fully vaccinated visitors aged 12 years and over, plus two children under 12 years per day.
Please note that visits must be pre-booked with our team and the following applies:
- Visitors aged 12 years and over must have received a second dose of a COVID vaccination at least 14 days prior to their visit.
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to get a booster vaccine if they are eligible for one, and to have a negative Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) prior to entry
- Up to 2 children under 12 years are permitted to visit provided they are accompanied by a fully vaccinated person.
- Wherever possible, the visit should be in an outdoor area. Visits should not be in any inside communal areas. All visitors must wear a surgical mask (an N95 mask and face shield may be required in some locations) over their nose and mouth while visiting indoors. Babies and toddlers under 3 years of age should not wear a mask as it is a choking hazard.
- Visitors must check-in through our visitor check-in system
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to receive the 2022 seasonal flu vaccine as soon as it is available
- Visitors must not visit of they have COVID-19 symptoms
- Visitors must not visit if they have been exposed to COVID-19 unless they have completed their self-isolation and testing requirements. People who have had high risk exposures should not enter high risk settings for at least 14 days since their exposure to a COVID-positive person
- Visitors must not visit if they are waiting for a COVID-19 test result
- Visitors must not visit have been overseas in the previous 14 days, unless they are: fully vaccinated, it has been at least 7 days after arrival and they have received a negative rapid antigen test 6 days or later after arriving in NSW
Whiddon Beaudesert Star (Queensland)
Please check the current visiting arrangements with Whiddon Beaudesert Star as they may be different from the below due to circulation of COVID-19 in the community.
Visitors must currently wear N95 masks and face shields and complete a rapid antigen test as a condition of entry. All visits must be pre-booked. Please practice good hand hygiene and check-in when you visit.
Please do not visit if:
- you have not had both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or had your second dose within the last 14 days
- you have recently had COVID and it has been 7 days or less since your isolation period ended
- you are unwell and have COVID-19 or any symptoms – fever (37. 5°C or higher) or other symptoms
- you are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 unless 7 days have passed since their quarantine period ended
- you have returned from overseas in the last 14 days, unless granted an exemption
- if you are waiting on a COVID-19 test result